2012 So Far: 10 Tracks You May Have Missed
Make your way through these 10 relatively unknowns (in no particular order) and let us know what you think afterwards.

Australia is producing some of the most exciting acts around at the moment. And while Melbourne's Glaciers are still very 'new', they have some of the best, well crafted demos we've heard in a long while. (And boy, do we get a lot of them).
Easy comparisons will link them to the delicate yet progressing sounds of Jack Tatum's Wild Nothing, and they'd be right to do so. Glaciers sound seems to simply 'work' from the off, which of course bodes well for any forthcoming material.

02. Wanderlings - Swingin'
While Wanderlings are a updated version of former jaunt Infinity Hertz, they have took it upon themselves to impress like it was their first time playing. The Nottingham five piece deserve more praise for their already strong array of songs (find them here) which - if we are to believe some - are only the beginning of their expansive back catalogue. With a sure fire 'hit' in the bag with the gorgeously mellow "Swingin", we can safely say that this is the start of something very promising indeed.

03. Thumpers - Sound Of Screams
This was originally planned for the bands other track , "Unkinder Love", which has since been removed from their Soundcloud page. Nevertheless, "Sound Of Screams" is an equal replacement to introduce you to Thumpers. To be frank, we know very little about London band. Their introduction to the world came in April with this glittering, carnival styled styled celebratory pop song. Soon, the said "Unkinder Love" followed suit, but only in a more experimental and delightfully diverse way. This kind of well structured jovial 'fairground pop' can't stay hidden for too long, and to be honest we don't expect it to.

04. Tezeta - Pharcyde
Tezeta is Joe Roth from Toronto, Canada, and is yet another newcomer with an already exciting back catalogue. After going solo from the band Little Girls, Roth merges beautifully driving, sample littered instrumentals with his emotively raw vocals to create something quite unique and, well, something quite fantastic.

05. Snow Wite - Psychedelic Days
The eccentric L.A soloist - aka Andy Cary - plays in various other bands (like Puro Instinct for instance) and started recording under the Snow Wite moniker early into 2012.
Taken from his debut EP, "Psychedelic Days" is a glorious mixture of affectionate bubble gum pop with intriguing grunge like tendencies. At the time of writing, the fact that this has only had 500 plays of Youtube is nothing short of unacceptable. You can download his debut EP for free here.

06. Sisterland - Bunny Ears
From the ashes of the now defunct Dysneyland, DIY Leicester trio Sisterland are just one guitar band that deserves far more blog space. They pull no punches, what you see - and that predominantly consists of ferociously energetic, ridiculously infectious guitar lines, which we absolutely love - is pretty much what you get. The bands Dirty White EP was released by Oxford label Blessing Force on casette earlier in the year. Head here to order a copy.

Bournemouth trio Yoofs escaped their hometown to record this track in a London studio (with a little help from The Sounds Of Sweet Nothing), and straight away their surroundings came good upon producing the shimmering, reverb drenched "Hazy Dayz". Lets just say its scuzzy, trippy undertone is mind blowingly good.
They tell us they're recording more soon, and so we wait with baited breath, as they say.

08. Swiss Alps - Riptide Lore
"Riptide Lore" was the quietly assured debut track from Pennsylvanian trio Swiss Alps. Their gorgeously lo-fi, cassette (which they have since issued a release on) styled jangle is one that remains an unappreciated diamond bar a few other consistently good bloggers.
Hear the other three tracks from the said release below, as well as two new ones they put out just this week (includes a cover of The Sea Urchins "Summershine" too).

09. Poledo - Laura Palmer Is Dead
This one may only be a month old, but it may have been over looked by some. The Twin Peaks referencing "Laura Palma Is Dead" from Oxford newcomers Poledo manages to blend their fizzing guitars with an overwhelmingly infectious chorus to produce a quite gloriously alternative pop song. You can get it for free below via the equally as good Art Is Hard bi-weekly Pizza Club releases.

10. Canute - Ephemeral
London trio Canute make a grandiose sized noise. Their layers of unashamed family sized guitars are alone commendable. But "Ephemeral" is such a well structured noise that merits your time. The dips and breaks are so perfectly placed amongst the blaringly loud stringed overtones.
The band recently went into the studio to record more tracks that will be 'even better' according to them. We certainly hope so. Downloads are now at their limit, but if you email them you may get lucky.