Video: Wolf Alice - Moaning Lisa Smile
Wolf Alice unveil the video for Certified Track "Moaning Lisa Smile" from their just released Creature Songs EP.

Here's what we had to say on Wolf Alice's "Moaning Lisa Smile", which we named as one of this years 'Certified Tracks':
"This whole boring "lack of" "guitar music" debate, that seems to stretch the full length of time will probably never go away but we, and you, know it's all about where you look. In the case of Wolf Alice and going by their new track "Moaning Lisa Smile" - you won't have to look very far soon.
"Moaning Lisa Smile" is a power hungry, driving track with little to no regard for anything that may stand in it's way. Ellie Roswell's initially mellow vocals only serve as the calm before the storm, just hold on for the heaviest jangle-pop guitar riff we've heard in yonks - heaven. (Read More)"Moaning Lisa Smile" features on the bands current EP, Creature Songs. You can grab a copy of the release here and stream it in full here.