Remix: Purity Ring - Ungirthed (Christian AIDS Remix)

11:31:00 Wayne 0 Comments

We dont often post remixes. Occasionally though they just make sense, and this Christian AIDS rework of Purity Ring's "Ungirthed" is just that.

Christian AIDS, who in there own words are: "A collective, a group of people that create things. None of these things overlap, but each is equally important in its own way. We will not be defined by sex, sexuality, race, belief or nationality. We are the music, and everything that surrounds the music" - take the fluttering sounds from the original and add to it their flawless ability to transcend you into the dirtiest, grimiest little K-hole of a club you could ever imagine.


 Purity Ring - Ungirthed (Christian AIDS remix) 

The 'CN' original we posted about back in January is up for pre-order here (only 300 copies), via the good folk over at Transparent.