Video: Father John Misty - I Love You Honeybear

Haven't shared anything from Father John Misty's latest and greatest, mainly because I've spent most the time simply enjoying it for myself. I feel a strong connection to a lot of the LP - I Love You Honeybear - not 100% lyrically but his (J. Tillman) general outlook on things seems a lot like mine not in respect of love, more in the underlying stuff that oozes from the cracks. With Father John Misty on I Love You Honeybear (the album not the song) you get a barrage of skewed ideals ranging from nihilism, skepticism and cynicism to general realism. I suppose they're all kind of similar in a way and most definitely cross-over here and there.
On another note, I don't think it's that easy to fully get what he's banging on about at times and I'd have a guess at saying even he doesn't at times - maybe I'm wrong though. I do however, feel I can relate to his overall feeling that regardless of all the trivial stuff going on in the world (that we basically have no control over) we're all fucked when it comes down to it, and nothing can change that so we may-as-well get on with doing what we enjoy, whatever that may be.
Not much stuff triggers thoughts like that with me these days, music can be very shallow and bland at times much like everything else in the world, but this, no matter how much you think he's just being pretentious, is good original, thought provoking stuff with an ability to stir up all kinds of emotions. Very deep but we're doing this to vent about in our opinion good music and share it with everyone who cares to pay attention. May as well say something worthwhile, rather than just embedding a video after a short but sweet plug to buy some music that follows up his album that isn't Fairly Fun like his press release deliberately tries to mislead lazy bastards with.
Buy Father John Misty's I Love You Honeybear the follow up to 2012 LP Fear Fun. It's out on Bella Union and it's fucking brilliant.