Introducing: Tuques - Slushpuppie
"Embarking on one of the most delicious dreampop-shoegaze tightrope walks we've heard in a long time" - Introducing Tuques.
It's been a while since we've had a post like this and it feels great. Tuques are a four-piece from Edmonton, Alberta who're embarking on one of the most delicious dreampop-shoegaze tightrope walks we've heard in a long time.
Let me expand on that. Their music isn't exactly dream-pop and it isn't exactly shoegaze either, they're sitting nicely on that tightrope without significant pull from either-side and they sound comfortable too. The band have not long ago released their Slushpuppie EP and it's really tough for us to pick a standout track so we've chosen to stream the full release instead.
You can buy the Slushpuppie EP, which was released through Phởk-ing on October 3rd, over at their Bandcamp page for a "name your price" fee.