Introducing: Totoake - All Night Long/Make It Work (Free Download)
Santa Cruz' Totoake produces a rich and catchy blend of DIY indie-pop on "All Night Long"/"Make It Work", with a fairly minimal palette.

"All Night Long"/"Make It Work" will get your feet tapping and no doubt a bit of head boppin' too - it's the perfect example of how you can produce something stunning in it's own way, without the need for over doing it.
Totoake's only got five tracks up on the ol' Soundcloud account and listening back, it's obvious that "All Night Long"/"Make It Work" is no one-off and the guy has a knack for catchy melodies, keeping it simple and the use of "do-do-do", "de-de-de", etc. etc.
You can grab "All Night Long" for free below - more please sir.