Tracks: Friendly Fires & The Asphodells - Before Your Eyes
Friendly Fires team up with Andrew Weatherall to form Friendly Fires & The Ashpodells, releasing "Before Your Eyes".
It's not really a surprise that Friendly Fires should do this, they've always had their feet pretty loosely planted in all sorts of genre camps and to be fair, the outcome - "Before Your Eyes" - is pretty sweet.
Just to recap, The Asphodells are Andrew Weatherall and Timothy J Fairplay and they released Ruled By Passion Destroyed By Lust back in 2013. The result of the two camps' collaborations have been "Before You Eyes" and "Velo" which will be released as a double a-side on March 31st. "Before Your Eyes" is the first track we're to hear and it pulses along in a mist of dazed vocals and guitar licks. It would be easy to judge the track over a minute but given time, it turns into a pretty addictive number, displaying riffs even Bombay Bicycle Club would be proud of.
The double a-side of "Before Your Eyes" b/w "Velo" is set for release through Friendly Fires' Telophase Records on March 31st.