Introducing: White Lodge - Prom King

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What we call noughties indie; shoegazey dream-pop has forged it's way into the hearts of many a music fan over recent years and Boston's White Lodge and their latest track "Prom King" are yet another example of how good it can sound when it's done well.

Don't get me wrong there's some god awful examples of this kind of music kicking about, not least in our mail-box, but there's more to life that a good ol' press release and all you have to do is look. "Prom King" has the perfect tempo, strong dual vocals and a vibrant bass-line giving the track a solid backbone to go from; altogether, it's delicious.

"Prom King" is taken for the duo's up coming How To Stay Jealous Forever EP, which is set for release October 1st.

via CITR