New Music: Swiss Alps - Seersucker

19:54:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Our favourite Philadelphian export (barring Kurt Vile, of course) - Devan Kochersperger's Swiss Alps - are readying a new EP for next week. "Seersucker" is the first taste, and yeah, you guessed it, it's pretty great.

Right from the debut "Riptide Lore", I really love everything that this band has done to date. The main reason being that they continually produce some of the finest blissed out, jangling indie goodness around, as is again evident here. See, both consistant and infectious, now how many 'new' bands can you say that about, eh? 

"Seersucker" is part of the Seersucker & Gingham EP that is released on June 24. Get it here for a 'name your price deal', watch / stream it below.