New Artist: Fax Machine - 1981

13:17:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Apart from residing somewhere along the Tyne - their location being Newcastle (although I'm a little suspicious of that) - we don't know much else about Fax Machine and their "1981" track.

Do they work at Baltic or hang out at The Cluny on a Friday night perhaps? No idea, someone care to fill us in, please? You get the sense that they don't take themselves too seriously, though. Categorising their lone track as "office based cartoon pop" tells us enough.

As a song, "1981" is a rag tag compilation of sounds that really shouldn't work at all, yet is pulled off delightfully in a rather blasé fashion. A plucky, stumbling drum pattern, modulated synths, a rasping bass line and lighter than Coors light vocals are all thrown in there. Quite a concoction, ey? Listen below.