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emma ruth rundle real big sky marked for death

Emma Ruth Rundle "Real Big Sky" comes as one of the stand-out tracks from her current album Marked For Death.

Lyrics are quite often over-looked when it comes to the grand scheme of things in music today, but every now and then something comes along, like Emma Ruth Rundle's "Real Big Sky", and forces you to listen - you know, really listen.

Armed with only an acoustic guitar, sounding fairly un-tuned and rough around the edges, Rundle has everything she needs. Singing, "I don’t want to be awake when it takes me, but I can’t wait to see you smile on the other side. I can’t wait to kiss the face of the Big Sky, I don’t want to say goodbye to you, my child." It doesn't take a genius to work out what Rundle is singing about, and along with the subject matter it's that plain and simple, straight to the point styling that makes this song so gripping and heart-rending. I'll go out on a limb here and say there won't be a single song with deeper lyrics this year.

Listen to Emma Ruth Rundle "Real Big Sky" below. Marked For Death came out on the 30th of this month through LA's Sargent House - you can grab a copy here.