Introducing: Day Wave - We Try But We Don't Fit In

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This killer new track - "We Try But We Don't Fit In" - from Oakland's Jackson Phillips, aka Day Wave, signifies some seriously hazy days ahead. Probably not for us, but maybe if you're living somewhere hot.

Day Wave is/are actually four Soundcloud tracks to the good now and to say we're annoyed at missing this is an understatement. We're literally clinging onto this blog/site by our teeth, time is scarce and quality music isn't as apparent as it used to be. Mainly due to previously good sites selling out, but we're not complaining. "We Try But We Don't Fit In", in short, is a glimmering west coast surf track with a mental arrangement both musically and vocally. It feels earthy and understated without sounding like a pile of lo-fi shit. To say we're impressed, would be hitting the nail on the head.