Tracks: Ben Khan - 1000

18:33:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Ben Khan returns with details of a new 1000 EP of four previously unheard tracks, which will include the title track and subject of this post,

"1000" is a skittish number full of energy and fizz, jiving along with a groovy and killer bass-line plus what's now becoming his signature trumpet sounds. One person comments on the Soundcloud stream, "I hear a bit of "The Life Aquatic" in here! Cool" and where most comments are pure rubbish, this one strikes a chord with me as it would fit in that film's score perfectly. Ben Khan is doing what a lot of others are doing at the minute, only ten times better and no doubt this upcoming 1000 EP will contain more gems.

Grab a pre-order of 1000 EP which is out through Dirty Hit on May 11th.