CT14 #22: Nothing - July The Fourth
Philadelphia's "heavy-shoegaze" Nothing, return with "July The Fourth" from a split release with Whirr.
It's really hard to dislike Nothing, especially when they're probably the only band out there, who've managed to take the pretty drab at times shoegaze and show us that there's life beyond those very rigid but powerful walls-of-sound. After listening to "July The Fourth", debut LP Guilty of Everything sounds even more like the beginning of a progression, likely to be every bit as epic as the music they're currently making.
Take "July The Fourth" for instance, it's brazen to the point of beautiful just like Guilty of Everything start to finish, however what differs is an added level of aggression. From the onset, it sounds very much like the roots of Relapse Records have wrapped their coils around the brutalist shoegaze beauty we've come to love from Nothing. Let's not jump the gun though, thirty seconds in and things start to mellow out albeit with the same angry undertones. Nothing are finely tuning a hybrid of metal and shoegaze - the road will probably be a long one, but all the more enjoyable for it.
Grab a pre-order of the band's November 18th split release with Whirr from Run For Cover. Do it quickly though - don't say we didn't warn you.