Tracks: Earl Sweatshirt - Nebraska/Song From 2012 High 6am Rambling At The 5th
1FTP favourite, Earl Sweatshirt drops two new tracks via Twitter under an alias Soundcloud account.

The once mysterious Earl Sweatshirt of Odd Future dropped two tracks today when he tweeted "search important_man464 if you like Christ". Naturally, we followed the link and two new tracks appeared on the Soundcloud.
The first track features Mac Miller and Casey Veggies, while the latter (and probably better of the two) is Earl by his lonesome. With a title of "*SONG FROM 2012 HIGH 6AM RAMBLING AT THE 5TH*", we're guessing that when Earl made this he was high and rambling at 6am in 2012 -- but what would we know...
It's super smooth and sounds just what being high at six in the morning feels like. Lyrically it's relaxed -- like much of Doris was -- meaning this must've been the point where all that bullshit about rape and murder was thrown on the back-burner. Both tracks are listed below: