Introducing: ILLLS - Out

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Oxford, Mississippi's ILLLS return with new track "Out" to feature on debut LP, Hideout From The Feeders.

Just quickly. This track is a good example of why we started writing on 1FTP four-years ago and along with only a handful of others, remain standing with the same beliefs and commitments. We write about all sorts of music from wherever; just because we're British based doesn't mean we're British biased; quite the contrary really, as in some ways we expect too much from our bands. Quantity on 1FTP has been lacking of late and that's not from lack of trying. The simple fact is the insurgence of other blogs made without the same intentions as ours - having a surprising ability to afford sponsored ads on Facebook - have watered down the quality of tracks on display and this has largely attributed to the shutting down of a lot of blogs we once loved. We aren't going anywhere and we'll continue to set our own benchmarks without following the trends set by other sites intent on the over-use of press releases, who possess no innate ability to source music without outside influence.

This is ILLLS' debut appearance on One For The People and it would only be right to mention that ILLLS is basically the solo project of Steven Ross, albeit with some live band members. Since their previous label The Sounds of Sweet Nothing ceased to exist they've gone through what would seem a miniature transformation, changing all band members and finding new label, Aloe Music.

The resultant changes have brought about "Out" and the aforementioned debut LP, Hideout From The Feeders. "Out" thumps out in brazen fashion as if Ross has his own personal point to prove and the vocals sound more-than-a-little-bit like our very own Gross Magic; oozing perversion and catchy as hell.