Introducing: Heathers - Colossi of Memnon

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L.A upstarts Heathers have been whispered about for a few months now, having released the jangling "Teenage Clothes" not so long ago. Their latest track (entitled "Colossi of Memnon"), however, is an unexpected turn for the better.

The songs stop start motion is almost "Miserable Lie" esque, albeit notably grittier, it must be said. It still rings effortlessly poetic though, with lines like "hide your love where no one lies, hide your faith in empty skies". Then there is that stirring build up that kind of makes the song, as it races away to the cries of "bad dreams, bad dreams!". We could say it in a far more respectable manner, but it's fucking brilliant, to be wholly frank. Listen below, download it for 'whatever you like' here.