New Single: Work Drugs - Ice Wharf

19:38:00 Unknown 1 Comments

Those Work Drugs fellas certain are a busy pair. Not happy with the self release of Summer Blood and a video for every track on the EP, they're now set to release a new single in the shape of "Ice Wharf".

Ice Wharf is set to feature on the bands, wait for it.... Ice Wharf smooth-P. The smooth-P will feature three live tracks and a summer heart remix of "Rad Racer", which won the bands 'Rad Remix' competition.

"Ice Wharf" carry's on in pretty much the same vein as where Summer Blood left us. Ultra cool, laid back lo-fi. Or smooth-fi as the guy's like to call it. I see a smooth pattern emerging here.

Download the Ice Wharf smooth-p on Work Drugs' Bandcamp page. Watch the accompanying video for "Ice Wharf" below.

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