Debut LP: The Pass
Everyone in the bloggersphere are jumping all over The Pass' debut LP 'BURST', Just to take everyone back a second, here is a post we did in May called, 'you might not have heard these before', we featured the track 'Crosswalk Stereo'. Instead of going back over old ground, here is the track.
Back to the now and the band have got themselves a debut LP by the name of 'BURST', it is due out on September 21st, but they have, luckily for us, uploaded the full LP to their Soundcloud account (our audio player)
This LP has been subject to MGMT comparisons (like every band that comes out these days, it seems)
Were staying away from that and giving out a prior warning not to go into listening to this album with any ideas of it being anything like MGMT, to avoid disappointment. Judge for yourself, we don't do opinionated reviewing!